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Helena Petrovna Blavatsky
1831 – 1891
The Theosophical Society
The Meaning of the Name
The Key to Theosophy
H P Blavatsky
Published 1889
The Key to Theosophy is in the from of a
dialogue with an enquirer
Q. Theosophy
and its doctrines are often referred to as a newfangled religion.
Is it a
A. It is
not. Theosophy is Divine Knowledge or Science.
Q. What is
the real meaning of the term?
"Divine Wisdom," (Theosophia) or Wisdom of the gods, as (theogonia),
genealogy of the gods. The word 'theos' means a god in Greek, one of the divine
beings, certainly not "God" in the sense attached in our day to the
it is not "Wisdom of God," as translated by some, but Divine Wisdom
such as that possessed by the gods. The term is many thousand years old.
Q. What is
the origin of the name?
A. It
comes to us from the Alexandrian philosophers, called lovers of truth,
from (phil) "loving," and (aletheia) "truth." The name
Theosophy dates from the third century of our era, and began with Ammonius
Saccas and his disciples, also called Analogeticists, who started the Eclectic
explained by Professor Wilder, they were called so because of their practice of
interpreting all sacred legends and narratives, myths and mysteries, by a rule
or principle of analogy and correspondence: so that events which were
related as
having occurred in the external world were regarded as expressing operations
and experiences of the human soul. They were also denominated Neo-Platonists.
Though Theosophy, or the Eclectic Theosophical system, is generally attributed
to the third century, yet, if Diogenes Laërtius is to be credited, its origin
is much earlier, as he attributed the system to an Egyptian
Pot-Amun, who lived in the early days of the Ptolemaic dynasty. The same author
tells us that the name is Coptic, and signifies one consecrated to Amun, the
God of Wisdom. Theosophy is the equivalent of Brahma-Vidya , divine knowledge.
Q. What
was the object of this system?
A. First
of all to inculcate certain great moral truths upon its disciples, and all
those who were "lovers of the truth." Hence the motto adopted by the
Theosophical Society: "There is no religion higher than truth."Eclectic
Theosophy was divided under three heads:
1. Belief
in one absolute, incomprehensible and supreme Deity, or infinite essence, which
is the root of all nature, and of all that is, visible and
2. Belief in
man's eternal immortal nature, because, being a radiation of the Universal
Soul, it is of an identical essence with it.
Theurgy, or "divine work," or producing a work of gods; from theoi,
"gods," and ergein, "to work."
The term
is very old, but, as it belongs to the vocabulary of the mysteries, was not in
popular use. It was a mystic belief-practically proven by initiated adepts and
priests-that, by making oneself as pure as the incorporeal beings-i.e., by
returning to one's pristine purity of nature-man could move the gods to impart
to him Divine mysteries, and even cause them to become occasionally visible,
either subjectively or objectively. It was the
aspect of what is now called Spiritualism; but having been abused and
misconceived by the populace, it had come to be regarded by some as necromancy,
and was generally forbidden. A travestied practice of the theurgy of Iamblichus
lingers still in the ceremonial magic of some modern Cabalists.
Theosophy avoids and rejects both these kinds of magic and
"necromancy" as being very dangerous. Real divine theurgy requires an
almost superhuman purity and holiness of life; otherwise it degenerates into
mediumship or black magic. The immediate disciples of Ammonius Saccas, who was
called Theodidaktos, "god-taught"-such as Plotinus and his follower
Porphyry-rejected theurgy at first, but were finally reconciled to it through
Iamblichus, who wrote a work to that effect entitled De Mysteriis, under the
name of his own master, a famous Egyptian priest called Abammon. Ammonius
Saccas was the son of Christian parents, and, having been repelled by dogmatic
Spiritualistic Christianity from his childhood, became a Neo-Platonist, and
like J. Boëhme and other great seers and mystics, is said to have had divine
wisdom revealed to him in dreams and visions. Hence his name of Theodidaktos.
He resolved to reconcile every system of religion, and by demonstrating their
identical origin to establish one universal creed based on ethics. His life was
so blameless and pure, his learning so profound and vast, that several Church
Fathers were his secret disciples. Clemens Alexandrinus speaks very highly of
him. Plotinus, the "
The system
of meditation the Philaletheians resorted to was ecstasy, a system akin to
Indian Yoga practice. What is known of the
The chief
aim of the Founders of the Eclectic Theosophical School was one of the three
objects of its modern successor, the Theosophical Society, namely, to reconcile
all religions, sects, and nations under a common system of ethics, based on
eternal verities.
Q. What
have you to show that this is not an impossible dream; and that all the world's
religions are based on the one and the same truth?
A. Their
comparative study and analysis. The "Wisdom-Religion" was one in
antiquity; and the sameness of primitive religious philosophy is proven to us
by the identical doctrines taught to the Initiates during the mysteries, an
institution once universally diffused.
All the
old worships indicate the existence of a single Theosophy anterior to them. The
key that is to open one must open all; otherwise it cannot be the right key.
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The Constitution of Man After Death Reincarnation
The Purpose of Life The Planetary Chains
The Result of Theosophical Study
An Outstanding
Introduction to Theosophy
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Katherine Tingley
Elementary Theosophy Who is the Man? Body and Soul
Body, Soul and Spirit Reincarnation Karma
Preface to the American Edition Introduction
Occultism and its Adepts The Theosophical Society
First Occult Experiences Teachings of Occult Philosophy
Later Occult Phenomena Appendix
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Psychic Phenomena and Spiritualism
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Causation The Laws of Nature A Lesson of The Law
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General pages
about Wales, Welsh History
and The History
of Theosophy in Wales
Wales is a
Principality within the United Kingdom
and has an
eastern border with England. The land
area is just
over 8,000 square miles. Snowdon in
North Wales is
the highest mountain at 3,650 feet.
The coastline is
almost 750 miles long. The population
of Wales as at the 2001 census is 2,946,200.
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