An Outline of Theosophy
Charles Webster Leadbeater
The Method Of Observation
The detail of
this development would take up more space than can be devoted to it in a
preliminary manual such as this. The whole scheme will be found fully explained
in other Theosophical works; for the moment let it suffice to say that it is
entirely a question of vibration. All information which reaches a man from the
world without, reaches him by means of vibration of some sort, whether it be
through the
senses of sight, hearing or touch. Consequently, if a man is able to make
himself sensitive to additional vibrations he will acquire additional information;
he will become what is commonly called “clairvoyant”.
This word, as
commonly used, means nothing more than a slight extension of normal vision; but
it is possible for a man to become more and more sensitive to the subtler
vibrations, until his consciousness, acting through many developed
functions freely in new and higher ways.
He will then
find new worlds of subtler matter opening up before him, though in reality they
are only new portions of the world he already knows.
He learns in
this way that a vast unseen universe exists round him during his whole life,
and that it is constantly affecting him in many ways, even though he remains
blindly unconscious of it. But when he
develops faculties whereby he can sense these other worlds, it becomes possible
for him to observe them scientifically, to repeat his observations many times,
to compare them with
those of
others, to tabulate them, and draw deductions from them.
All this has been
done – not once, but thousands of times. The Adepts of whom I spoke have done
this to the fullest possible extent, but many efforts along the same line have
been made by our own Theosophical students. The result of our
has been not only to verify much of the information given to us at the outset
by those Adepts, but also to explain and amplify it very
The sight of
this usually unseen portion of our world at once brings to our knowledge a vast
body of entirely new facts which are of the very deepest
interest. It
gradually solves for us many of the most difficult problems of life; it clears
up for us many mysteries so that we now see them to have been
mysteries to
us for so long, only because heretofore we saw so small a part of the facts,
because we were looking at the various matters from below, and as isolated and
unconnected fragments, instead of rising above them to a standpoint whence they
are comprehensible as parts of a mighty whole.
It settles in
a moment many questions which have been much disputed – such, for example, as
that of the continued existence of man after death.
It affords us
the true explanation of all the wildly impossible statements made by the
churches about heaven, hell and purgatory; it dispels our ignorance and removes
our fear of the unknown by supplying us with a rational and orderly scheme.
What this scheme is I will now endeavour to explain.
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Camberley, Surrey, England GU15 – 2LF
Tekels Park to be Sold to a Developer
Concerns are raised about the fate of the wildlife as
The Spiritual Retreat, Tekels Park in Camberley,
Surrey, England is to be sold to a developer
Many feel that the sale of a sanctuary for
wildlife to a developer
can only mean disaster
Confusion as the Theoversity moves out of
Tekels Park to Southampton, Glastonbury &
Chorley in Lancashire while the leadership claim
that the Theosophical Society will carry on
Tekels Park despite its sale to a developer
Theosophy talks of a compassionate attitude
animals and the sale of the Tekels Park
for wildlife to a developer has
of Tekels Park Badgers in Doubt
Tekels Park & the Loch
Ness Monster
A Satirical view of the
sale of Tekels Park
in Camberley, Surrey to
a developer
Toff’s Guide to the Sale of Tekels Park
the men in top hats have to say
about the
of Tekels Park to
a developer. It doesn’t
a Diploma in Finance or indeed a
in Anything to realize that this is a
bad time economically to sell Tekels Park
Party On! Tekels
Park Theosophy NOT
St Francis Church at Tekels Park
Classic Introductory
Theosophy Text
A Text Book of Theosophy By C
What Theosophy Is From the Absolute to Man
The Formation of a Solar System The Evolution of Life
The Constitution of Man After Death Reincarnation
The Purpose of Life The Planetary Chains
The Result of Theosophical Study
An Outstanding
Introduction to Theosophy
By a student of
Katherine Tingley
Elementary Theosophy Who is the Man? Body and Soul
Body, Soul and Spirit Reincarnation Karma
Preface to the American Edition Introduction
Occultism and its Adepts The Theosophical Society
First Occult Experiences Teachings of Occult Philosophy
Later Occult Phenomena Appendix
Theosophy and the Masters General Principles
The Earth Chain Body and Astral Body Kama – Desire
Manas Of Reincarnation Reincarnation Continued
Karma Kama Loka
Arguments Supporting Reincarnation
Differentiation Of Species Missing Links
Psychic Laws, Forces, and Phenomena
Psychic Phenomena and Spiritualism
Karma Fundamental Principles Laws: Natural and Man-Made The Law of Laws
The Eternal Now
Causation The Laws of Nature A Lesson of The Law
Karma Does Not Crush Apply This Law
Man in The Three Worlds Understand The Truth
Man and His Surroundings The Three Fates
The Pair of Triplets Thought, The Builder
Practical Meditation Will and Desire
The Mastery of Desire Two Other Points
The Third Thread Perfect Justice
Our Environment
Our Kith and Kin Our Nation
The Light for a Good Man Knowledge of Law The Opposing Schools
The More Modern View Self-Examination Out of the Past
Old Friendships
We Grow By Giving Collective Karma Family Karma
National Karma
India’s Karma
National Disasters
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General pages
about Wales, Welsh History
and The History
of Theosophy in Wales
The hut circles of the ancient
settlement in Porthdafarch,
which is believed to date back 4000 years
Porth Dafarch is on the coast road between Treaddur Bay and Holyhead.
Holyhead is on Holy Island off the
north west of the Island of Anglesey
which is off the North Wales Coast
Off Holy Island about 3 miles from
Wales is a
Principality within the United Kingdom
and has an eastern
border with England. The land
area is just over
8,000 square miles. Snowdon in
North Wales is the
highest mountain at 3,650 feet.
The coastline is
almost 750 miles long. The population
of Wales as at the
2001 census is 2,946,200.
into categories and presented according to relevance of
Hey Look! Theosophy in Cardiff