Theosophy; The New Rock ‘n Roll


Helena Petrovna Blavatsky

1831 -1891

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H P Blavatsky on

Past Life Memory



Although we cannot normally recall specific past life experience, we retain an essence of that experience which will be a subtle influence upon us.


H P Blavatsky says;


That which is part of our souls is eternal. . . Those lives are countless, but the soul or spirit that animates us throughout these myriads of existences is the same; and though "the book and volume" of the physical brain may forget events within the scope of one terrestrial life, the bulk of collective recollections can never desert the divine soul within us.


Its whispers may be too soft, the sound of its words too far off the plane perceived by our physical senses; yet the shadow of events that were, just

as much as the shadow of the events that are to come, is within its perceptive powers, and is ever present before its mind's eye.


(Secret Doctrine, Vol. II, p. 424)


More from H P Blavatsky on Remembering Past Lives


Theories about Reincarnation and Spirits

By H P Blavatsky


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